Yuma church of Christ
Yuma church of Christ

Current News & Events 


We are pleased to announce our Fall Gospel Meeting at the Church of Christ at Yuma scheduled for October 24, 25, and 26th, that's a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening. Our scheduled guest speaker is Gene Clemons. Brother Gene is a local Gospel Preacher and missionary who has traveled to China several times spreading the Gospel and starting churches there. We look forward to his lessons and about his experiences in other lands. 

Please make plans to attend or if you can't be here please pray for this Gospel Meeting. Start times will 7 pm each evening. We look forward to seeing you here in Logan County, southern West Virginia. Look for directions on our web site for pin point location. Thank you!

This just in: Brother Gene has agreed to speak at Lord's Day morning and evening services at 10:45 am and 6 pm. Come worship with us!


Fall Area Gospel Meetings 

We are also happy to announce there are several other Gospel Meetings in the local southern West Virginia area. We have them listed on our calendar page and encourage all who are able to attend. There's something special about attending a Gospel meeting with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. You can trust that the Gospel will be preached by very able men and the fellowship is always welcoming. Please join us by attending and praying for great success at these meetings.



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